Garlic Scapes
Hand Harvested and only available for a few weeks during late spring. These curly tops emerge after the last set of leaves and if left on the plants, they would reach up to 5’ tall! Snapping them off re-directs the plants reproductive energy into making bigger heads down below. Garlic Scapes are kinda like Asparagus, but they don’t go mushy and can be baked with potatoes, cut into stir fries, pickled like pickled carrots or minced into a Pesto! They keep for up to a month in the fridge and we love using them for the summer while we wait for the garlic to be ready to harvest! Sold in bunches or in bulk, please contact us for seasonal availability.

Lucious tall plants with fewer leaves, and an earlier harvest than other varieties. Our current collection includes German White, Ontario Music, Polish, Shnabs Music, North Quebec, Mennonite, German Red, Romanian, and Great Northern. We have selected for higher clove counts and climate adaptation and found these varieties do very well here in Parkland County. Blush inner wrappers and white papery outer skins, these garlics are hot! Tall heads with 4-6 juicy, plump cloves, these are best consumed by January if kept at regular room temps after harvesting or find a cooler spot to prolong their starageablity.
Marbled Purple Stripes
The Russians….Big, Purple, Huge & Hot! Robust, flavourful garlic three times bigger than what you see in the grocery store! We have expanded our collection to include:
Russian Red, Kostyn’s Red Russian, Russian Dekterov, Rocky Red Russian, Khabar, Spanish Roja, New Oxley Music, Warburg Russian Red, BC Russian Red.
Some listed are not officially classed as MPS but here on our farm they have grown with such similar characteristics that I have included them in this group. Garlic has a unique way of adapting to the environment it’s living in, so to honor where my seed stock originates, I include that info in their title wherever possible.

Purple Stripes & Glazed Purple Stripes
These Spicy varieties have a slender clove structure with a higher clove count at 7-9 on average. They can grow as big as your fist if the conditions are right! They have a longer storage life at room temp and can last well into spring. We currently offer limited amounts in Tibetan, Duganski, Purple Glazer, and Korean Purple.
Spring Garlic
Pembina Purple, a Spring planted garlic, locally grown for over 40 years around Cherhill, AB with beautiful purple inner wrappers, a high clove count and a fiery bite. Brought here direct from the Ukraine, in someone’s grandma’s suitcase, because, you know, that’s just how it went back then ;) This variety keeps well all winter and is best planted as soon as the soil can be worked in the spring. Expect a later harvest than Fall planted Hardnecks and longer storage, with firm juicy heads keeping easily until May/June in some cases!

Black Garlic
Black Garlic is a sweeter taste than regular garlic. It is no longer crunchy & spicy, but has a sweet, savory, complex flavor that pairs wonderfully with wine & cheese or on a Charcuterie plate. Peel the cloves and toss with salads or stir fries, or try it mashed into a salad dressing! Regular garlic is preserved in special machines that hold 140deg temperature for a minimum of 12-30 days. Similar to Caramelizing onions, the process brings out a natural sweetness, and is a fantastic way to enjoy adding more garlic to your diet. Known to have a higher level of Antioxidants, Black Garlic has all the same health benefits of regular garlic, but with none of the stinky garlic breath ;)
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Farm Fresh, Family Owned & Operated
We’re always interested in hearing from our valued clients, we can also make custom foods. Send us a message on Facebook if you’re interested in learning more.